So it’s likely there would have to be some retconning for this to be legit. There’s certainly no mention of him leaving to live on another island with his dictator poppa, before coming back to Rook Islands and giving a speech about the definition of insanity. For one thing, Vaas has a canonical backstory that involves him having been born on Rook Islands, the setting of Far Cry 3, in 1985. The scar on both characters does line up, so that’s a start! But we’ve got a long way to go.

According to the official description of the game, Castillo is attempting to restore the “nation back to its former glory by any means, with his son, Diego, following in his bloody footsteps.” He’s the son of Esposito’s Anton Castillo, who rules the tropical island of Yara. The above tweet by Joe Skrebels of IGN highlights one of the more convincing comparisons. Is Diego in Far Cry 6 meant to be a young Vaas from Far Cry 3? /4trOhRtEhy- Joe Skrebels July 10, 2020